Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm, Lemon Chamomile SPF 25 Review

I’ve always been a fan of Burt’s Bees and Kiehl’s lip balms because they feel really nice, but  when i read about this AWARD WINNING lip balm i had my doubts. What could be THAT awesome? It’s just lip balm, right? Uh, wrong. SO WRONG. This is possibly one of the BEST lip balms i’ve ever tried in my life. And i’ve tried a ton of lip balm.
1. Price: $$$
At about $7.50 for a 0.25 oz tube, I was like…are you kidding me?! The tube was really small too so i didn’t like the fact that I was paying so much for it. Well…i bought two when i went to Sephora that day so my wallet really hated me. But looking back on it…i used it for about 3 months on and off and it still hasn’t run out…there’s a lot more in here than i thought! 
2. Appearance:
It’s a cool little squeeze tube, not the stick kind that everyone is used to. The applicator tup that is under the black cap looks and feels like a bullet for lipstick tube. It’s slanted actually and made of plastic so it’s very easy to apply. I feel extra bougie when I’m looking at the label—how classy does that thing look?
3. Feel
Compared to the wax and olive oil and paraffin-based lip balms this one is very different. It does have beeswax and cocoa butter in it, but the first ingredient listed is Avocado Oil. Hmm. Odd. I really like it though. It’s got like a jelly-like consistency, but it’s not oily or goopy. It’s thick enough that it’s easy to spread on.
Lemon and Chamomile. Imagine tea. Like lemon tea, but it just smells like lip SEX. It’s such a pleasant scent and it’s light enough that it’s not over-powering at all.
It’s not terribly tasty, but let’s face it, this shit’s not candy.
SHINE -Not very shiny at all, but there is a little teensy layer of sheen. Smack your lips together a bit and it should be gone.
i’d give this one 4+ hours. I don’t usually go for very long periods of time without eating but when I wore this balm, I found that sitting and studying for a long while…my lips were still very…balmy. Of course, the smell had faded since i put it on, but i’m pretty sure i could have gone the whole day without reapplying.
4. Manliness: 5/5I’m sorry, but this has got to be one of the best formulated, best built and best looking lip balms on the market for guys. Girls have it so easy with their plethora of lip products. Well, Jack Black is here to save the day! AND it’s in a blue tube. Can’t get manlier than that.
CONCLUSION: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 5/5 stars because this stuff ain’t completely organic so i don’t have to wate for that natural shit to kick into action. It makes your lips baby-ass soft in under 2 hours and it’s a pretty unique scent. Where can you find this stuff but in a high-end product line, right? Better be worth it for $7.50

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