Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Blistex Simple and Sensitive Lip Balm Review

Lovely followers! I can’t believe I have followers already hahaha. I recently found out about this one and I was asked to review it! I don’t normally use Blistex because I am a little snobby when it comes to the stuff…but I love to make the reviews soooo why not, right?
1. Price: $
Amazingly, this was only $1.59! WHAT?! I’ve paid close to $10 for some of my lip balms and this thing was so cheap I love it.
2. Appearance:It’s a basic 0.15 oz tube in sky blue. The label is darker blue and has classy writing on it.
3. Feel
SUPER SMOOTH…like, I normally find that Olive oil lip balms are super slippy and kinda, well, oily, but this was pretty smooth. In
SMELL - The smell is something fruity. I thought it would be a mint or something but it’s fruity. I liked it, so it wasn’t bad. I want to say it had a lemony smell, but I’m not terribly sure.
ALSO: You know how if you leave it in your pocket, your lip balm gets warm and softer to apply? Well, because this one is Olive Oil-based, it god kinda gooey. See the pic:
If you can’t tell, it’s really oily at the surface. Not sure if i like that…but i let it sit for a while and it returned to normal so that’s fine.
TASTE - Okay, so I normally don’t find a taste in lip balms, but this one tasted a little weird…it reminded a lot of lotion or petroleum jelly. It got on my tongue and i felt super uncomfortable…it tasted gross. But luckily lip balm isn’t mean to EAT.
SHINE - The sheen factor is kind of minimal, but it’s pretty decent. It doesn’t show at all to be honest, but I kept thinking it WAS shiny, but it wasn’t. NO SHINE, don’t worry.
LASTING TIME - So the lasting time on this one is short…I found that it was still on my lips after an hour, but it was fading. It started fading after about 30 minutes! But maybe that’s just me…I found that i was reapplying after a short bit of time, but hey, I enjoy putting it on my lips anyways haha.
4. Manliness: 5/5Manly. It’s manly. Low shine, all you need and very basic. Love it.
CONCLUSION: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 4 /5 stars. Another winner, Blistex. It was good one, granted it didn’t last too long, but that’s fine. A plus is that it only has 6 ingredients! WHAT?! Jojoba, Shea, Vitamin E, Olive Oil, and…i don’t remember the last one, but yeah, this one is all you need if you are low maintenance. 

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