Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Burt's Bees Revitalizing Lip Balm Review

So I found this in my local Target when I was shopping with my sister and I really couldn’t stop myself from trying it. It was a blue cap for crying out loud! Burt’s Bees is one of my favorite brands too so might as well, right?
1. Price: $$
This was $3.29 at Target. I got a little annoyed with the price since I normally only pay around $2.99 for Burt’s Bees. You can find this anywhere they sell Burt’s Bees. Since it’s newer though, the locations might be limited.
2. Appearance:Standard 0.15oz tube with a blue cap and yellow tube. It’s got white-colored balm.
3. Feel
This wasn’t waxy, it was pretty smooth. I liked it for the most part. It’s not overly oily either or too thin, which is good! It’s smoother than the original Burt’s Bees (not waxy).
SMELL - Here’s where I started to have problems initially. It seriously smelled like chocolate dipped blueberries. I’m not a huge fan of chocolate either. This reminded me so much of chocolate covered raisins or cranberries that my mom used to eat when I was younger and I wasn’t terribly interested in wearing it…but after a while I really liked this smell. It smells…decadent.
TASTE - No taste.
SHINE - No shine! It was matte, right after application and forward into maybe 3 hours, it was matte. 
LASTING TIME - Maybe 3-4 hours? The smell fades over the time, but it’s there for the most part. My lips felt kind of gummy at the last hour or so before I reapplied it, but that’s usually how most balms work.
4. Manliness: 5/5Discreet. blue cap, what more could you ask for?
CONCLUSION: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆  4.5/5 stars. Pretty good! Really good actually, I want to say that maybe if it had menthol in it or something I might give it a higher rating or something, but, nah for the most part I like it. I highly recommend to anyone!

Badger Classic Lip Balm, Pink Grapefruit Review for Guys

I meant to do this one a while ago, because I tested the lip bam out when it was still good. The sad part is that the scent faded because the tube was expired before I got to finish it. Oh well. I’d still buy more though.
1. Price: $$
This was $3 Wegmans. Wegmans and Whole Foods are the only large retail places I could find these products at, but you can find them online too.
2. Appearance:Standard 0.15oz tube with a reddish/pink cap. The label is a typical badger balm design with a badger waving a magic wand! The balm was whitish/beige.
3. Feel
It’s made with olive oil and shea butter so it’s a little bit slicker than I originally thought it would be. It has a consistency similar to burt’s bees pomegranate (and I wasn’t a fan of that too much). It’s kind of oily, and feels a little thin if you don’t put enough.
SMELL - VERY light and airy if you ask me. I liked this one a lot to be quite honest, it really did smell like grapefruits, as if someone had cracked one open for me to smell right before my nose.
TASTE - No taste.
SHINE - NOOOO this one had a shine to it. In normal lighting there was a little bit of a shine. It wasn’t too too bad, but it was still shinier than other olive oil lip balms.
LASTING TIME - Maybe 3-4 hours max. The smell fades after the first hour or so and your lips will absorb all the good stuff. Just reapply when needed because you won’t forget that it’s on your lips, you can really feel this one.
4. Manliness: 4/5It’s a regular tube and doesn’t have anything too gimmicky about it. I give it a good rating with the exception of the shine it adds. That’s the reason I’d take a star away, no guy wants shiny lips!
CONCLUSION: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆  3.5/5 stars. Pretty good! I liked this one enough to say I’d recommend it to anyone that asked about the product. It smells great, is a standard lip balm tube and is pretty affordable for an organic lip balm. Good job badger. Maybe next time we can make the formula less shiny? That’s my only complaint.

Palmer's Cocoa Butter with Vitamin E Swivel Stick Review for Guys

So I’m completely aware that this stuff is basically lotion in a glue stick-shaped container, but my friend Alicia swore by it for her lips so I bought one a few years back to try it out. I never ended up finishing it and my sister took it from me for herself. She gave it to me when I asked her for it and she still hadn’t finished it up. It’s been like almost 3 years…
1. Price: $$
This was $3 at wegmans and like $2.90 something at CVS and Walmart, so this is pretty cheap and reasonable for the amount of substance you’re buying.
2. Appearance:Just imagine a big glue-stick the length of your hand and the circular size of a quarter and you have the size of this thing. It’s a white plastic twist tube with a whopping 0.5oz of balm/lotion in it. Keep in mind most standard lip balms have 0.15oz. The balm itself is a beige/yellow shade.
3. Feel
I tried this stuff again from the stick I gave to my sister and I liked it for the most part. It was smooth but felt kind of thick. Granted, I understand this stuff is mostly a stick of lotion for the body in general, so lips don’t need this much balm so a thin coat should last you a very long time. It wasn’t oily, but felt kind of softer than most balms I’ve tried..
SMELL - MILK CHOCOLATE. That’s cocoa butter for ya.
TASTE - No taste. At least I wasn’t trying to taste it…
SHINE - Not really a shine, but there was a very very subtle white residue left on my mouth and I could feel it. It wasn’t chunky, but close up enough and someone might be able to tell it’s on there.
LASTING TIME - 3-5 hours. I wore this one for like 2 days to try and see how long I could get, but I wasn’t very consistent with keeping track of time. Anywhere from 3-5 is pretty good though.
4. Manliness: 2/5Not very shiny, but this is another glue-stick sized lip balm. C’mon, no guy is going to put this thing on in front of other people. They’d look ridiculous.
CONCLUSION: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆  3/5 stars. Not bad, but it’s not exactly lip balm. More like a portable lotion applicator for on the go jobs. The balm itself does what it says and makes your lips—err, skin, nice and soft wherever it’s used. It also smells like food so that’s probably why I didn’t like it as much.

EOS Lip Balm Sweet Mint Review

3 years later…and I finally bought one of these after everyone asked for it…but yeah, you can understand why I wouldn’t want one of these, right? It’s kinda girly! The only people walking around with one of these are girls at my school and honestly, what kind of guy wants to be putting an egg to his face to apply lip balm? Well…I was so wrong. This stuff is actually so good.
1. Price: $
This was $2.90 at Wal-Mart. I found it for above $3.00 elsewhere, but it’s usually around this price range.
2. Appearance:ONE OF THE WEIRDEST LIP BALMS I’VE EVER SEEN. Round, egg sized thing where the lip balm is in a circular shape so you can apply it to both the top and bottom lip at the same time. There is 0.25 oz of balm (WHOA NOW, SO MUCH) and the ‘tube’ itself is a sea foam color.
3. Feel
This one feels a little firm and waxy at first, but after you run it over your mouth a few times it gets really smooth. It’s not oily or thick, just firm…I really liked it. There’s also a tingle from the menthol in this that lasts about 15 mins.
SMELL - I was really afraid ‘sweet mint’ would smell like other mints, but this one is definitely PEPPERMINT. Imagine Burt’s Bees, but not as strong. I give this one a thumbs up for smell.
TASTE - No taste.
SHINE - Are you ready? NO SHINE. LIKE ABSOLUTELY NO SHINE. WHAT?! Not even up close in the mirror could I find shine. This one is literally BALM. Not glossy crap.
LASTING TIME - Hmm, I got it last night and wore it from about 11PM-3AM without much thought so that’s like 4 hours right there. To be honest, I think it can last longer. I’d say 4-5 hours.
4. Manliness: 2/5This is the only draw back. No matter what anyone says about the social acceptability of this balm, it is an egg, it is pastel in color and is not inconspicuous in the least bit. It’s not that I fear being judged for applying beauty products in public, but let’s face it, most guys would rather not do that…unless it were from a regular tube.

HOWEVER: GQ Magazine has done it’s review HERE, a few manly celebs like Kellan Lutz and Ed Westwick have been seen around with this exact one too. So maybe I’ll change my manliness rating…to 3.5/5
CONCLUSION: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆  4/5 stars. Ok yeah this one is kinda amazing. I don’t even care that it’s kind of girly looking. Look at those manly men up there! The balm itself is reason enough to use this thing on a daily basis. I will proudly tell people to try it since it’s such a good lip balm! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND.

Kiehl's Lip Balm: Facial Fuel Lip Balm Review

Now when I first saw this product I was more than over the moon to try it out. It was made for guys. UH PERFECT FOR ME THEN.
1. Price: $$$<- a little excessive?
This was $9…at their store. I had to go all the way to Georgetown to get to the nearest one just to buy LIP BALM?! My family thought I was crazy. I did however feel fancy walking out of there with a little brown paper bag though. It can only be bought in their stores and through department stores like Lord and Taylor/Saks Fifth/Nordstrom/Bloomingdales etc.
2. Appearance:Standard 0.15oz tube. The tube itself is a nice cobalt blue and it has a silver cap. The balm is white. This is DEFINITELY one of the manliest lip balms I’ve ever seen. Meets all the requirements if you ask me! 
3. Feel
Can someone say butter? (Did anyone just see Paula Deen?) This glide is so smooth and so perfect. It’s like a dream…I don’t think I’ve ever felt a lip balm more luxurious than this one. It’s not too thin, and just thick enough.
SMELL - It has a smell…but I can’t exactly say what it is. It’s not bad, it’s actually really nice. Minty? (I’m not a fan of mint, but it smells great I’ll tell you that)
TASTE - No taste.
SHINE - NO SHINE. Hold UP. I think I could marry this stuff. The biggest thing I look for in a lip balm is NO SHINE because what guy wants to walk around with glossy lips? Well this is a match made in heaven for me. No shine even with a thick coat on my mouth.
LASTING TIME - Ready for this? 6 hours. I timed it for 6 hours. WHAT THE HECK? That’s amazing. And I only had to reapply once after the 6 hours and it lasted the rest of the day. I wish I could reapply it more so I could use it a lot, but i really didn’t have to.
4. Manliness: 5/5Need I say more? Blue tube, small size/inconspicuous, no shine. Perfect 5.
CONCLUSION: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆  4.5/5 stars. Alas, I have to detract some points for the price. Who pays $9.00 for LIP BALM? Not ordinary people of course, but then again, I doubt that’s the clientele of Kiehl’s. I have to applaud this near perfect product though. Kudos and I will always be buying from here. I think I’ve found my new lip balm standard.
Check out their website for all the flavors and other really great products.

Lypsyl Intense Protection LypMoisturizer Review

Somebody asked me for this review the other day and I got kind of excited. I discovered this lip balm brand at the beginning of my lip balm buying spree in high school and I was reeeally hooked after I first tried it.
1. Price: $$
This was $3 at CVS and is a few cents cheaper at Wal-Mart. I’ve bought it several times for myself and for my brother around this price. Not bad considering how big the tube is. It can be found at most drug stores and discounters (target, walmart etc.)
2. Appearance:This one’s really cool! I liked the size of it and the design. If you look closely, the tube is ovular and beige colored with a forrest green cap for 0.10 oz of stuff. There is no twist at the bottom to push the balm up, instead it’s got this bee-shaped piece on the side and you push it up like say a push pop (get my reference? No?). The color of the balm itself is a light yellow. 
3. Feel
The glide of this one is fantastic. It’s so smooth and really clean. It’s not heavy feeling at all and all you need to do is put on a swipe or two and your good for several hours. ALSO there is a very slight tingle that is like menthol from peppermint balms like burt’s bees original or medicated chapstick.
SMELL - It has a minty/pepperminty smell to it. Normally I’m opposed to mint anything (unless it’s peppermint) but this stuff smelled really nice. Not girly (if you’re a guy).
TASTE - No taste.
SHINE - Drumroll please…this one had no shine! NO SHINE?! Well, in direct light looking really closely, it had a slight slight sheen, but besides that NO SHINE! I was so pleased. It does not even come close to looking like lip gloss. It’s literally a balm.
LASTING TIME - Wow, I’d say maybe 4-5 hours if you don’t touch the stuff. The tingly feeling wears off after the first few hours, but it’s something you will forget about after wearing it for a while. It’s perfect to me.
4. Manliness: 4/5So it gets a ton of points for not being shiny, but other than that I detract points for the tube’s size and shape. Most guys are not going to want to apply a gigantic tube onto their face…and it becomes kind of clear that you have a balm in your hand when you’re applying it.
CONCLUSION: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆  4.5/5 stars. So this one is amazing. I actually love this stuff. It’s so good. Feels good, smells good, lasts long and even is affordable for those that don’t want to spend on the designer brands. I highly recommend it to everyone, guys and girls. This is one of the best brands I have ever tried. If it came in a smaller more conservatively sized tube, I’d give it a perfect score.
Check out their website for all the flavors and other really great products.

Lypsyl lypmoisturizer

Yes To Carrots Lip Butter Review

*DISCLAIMER* The first time I tried Yes to Carrots Lip Butter, I was in my senior year in high school (about 3ish years ago) and these are what mine look like. The current yes to carrots lip balms look like this now:
So I was really intrigued when I first found this line of lip balms…I thought carrots were the last thing I would think to use in lip balms, but hey, this seemed to work out so I gave in and bought some. This review covers CARROT (ORANGE Cap), CITRUS (YELLOW Cap), and MELON (Yellow/Orange Cap)
1. Price: $$
I got three sticks for about $3 each from CVS. You can buy this brand at almost any drug store, Wal-Mart, Safeway, Target etc. 
2. Appearance:White tube with a colored cap. The new ones look like colored tubes. The tube itself is a standard 0.15 oz and the balms range in color from white to off white/yellow. 
3. Feel
These glide very well, and feel really soft. It’s not chalky or waxy at all either, but I have to say sometimes (not always) it got a little oily. Now, most organic lip balms like these are using natural oils like olive, and have vitamin E and what not, but the second a lip balm becomes oily is the second I start wiping it off my lips. This wasn’t a major thing, but it did happen sometimes.
SMELL - All three smelled great if you ask me:
"Carrot" - Now I’m not going to say ‘oh it smelled like a carrot!’ but it, uh, it smelled like something. It was a nice something, but I wasn’t sure. I don’t know if I’d call it a carrot necessarily. 
"Citrus" - This one was very lemony. I Would just call it lemon flavor because that’s all I could really smell. What i didn’t like after a while was that this smell tended to go bad…it started smelling weird so i had to reapply it or wipe it off.
"Melon" - This was my favorite one. It smelled like cantaloupe and honeydew smashed together. It was a very light and sweet smell.
TASTE - No taste.
SHINE - Now I’m the hardest person to please when it comes to sheen, but this had a slight sheen. I don’t know if that line is necessarily targeted tomen since their website has a lot of women on it…slight slight sheen, but still a sheen nonetheless.
LASTING TIME - I felt like this one lasted a little shorter than most lip balms (maybe like 2-3 hours max), maybe it’s because I felt like I was constantly reapplying lip balm…but it may have been because it was really cold and my lips were absorbing the balm like a thirsty sponge.
4. Manliness: 4/5It’s kinda shiny? But it’s doable. I asked my friends if my lips looked too glossy and of course they said it was fine (but friends have to be nice right?). The tube is pretty normal looking too and the balm has no tint.
CONCLUSION: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆  4/5 stars. I like the balm a lot because it’s pretty gimmicky. Made of Carrots? Yeah, there’s some carrot in it, but it’s mostly cocoa/jojoba butter and olive oil. Besides that though, it’s pretty manly if you don’t mind the very slight sheen.

Also a word of warning, because this balm is organic it will go bad after a couple of years (if you keep them around that long like I tend to do). The balm will work just fine, but the smell might be off or gone. It should still be okay to use.
Check out their website for all the flavors and other really great products. I wanna try the lotions, but they have almond oil…and I’m allergic to nuts :(